Juniors will be able to log into PowerSchool from December 2nd through December 13th to complete 2025 – 2026 course selections online. In order to do so, you must have your PowerSchool login.  If you do not know your login, please contact the technology department at 784-4441 x 1201.

    All course selections for juniors MUST be completed before December 13th to ensure a complete schedule for 2025 – 2026 school year.  All juniors must also complete the "Class of 2025" Course Selection Form located below and return to your counselor.  Your counselor will then schedule a follow-up meeting to review your online selections. 

    * You must make course selections in PowerSchool before Friday, December 13th.

    To select courses for school year 2025-2026 please follow these steps:

    **Make sure your parent or guardian has completed the required yearly information update on their account prior to picking your classes.

    -Go to Eastern’s website

    -Click on PowerSchool

    -Using your personal username and password log into PowerSchool

    -Click on "Class Registration"

    -Begin your course selection process

    * Your completed "Class of 2026" Course Selection Form must be returned to your counselor by Friday, December 13th.

    Class of 2026 Course Selection Form

    Course Descriptions

    Option 2 Permission Form

    Senior Early Release Permission Form

    Non-Eastern Course Approval Form This form is to be used for all "Advanced Credit", "Enrichment Credit", and "Non-Eastern Courses During the School Year" requests.

    Course Waiver Form




    Financial Aid Night Presentation 2023

    Some useful links and tutorials for all juniors:



    2025 Junior College Night Presentation

    Link to Naviance

    Link to College Board

    Link to Princeton Review

    Link to HESAA 

    College Planning - To Do List

    10 Things High School Juniors Need to Do Now for College



    Introduction to Naviance

    Parent Login to Naviance

    Adding a College to Your "Colleges I'm Thinking About" List

    Naviance College Search

    Updating Your Resume in Naviance

    College Matches in Naviance

    Scattergrams in Naviance

    Career Interest Inventory Instructions

    Requesting Transcripts

    Brag Sheets


    College Visits

    We have colleges visit Eastern on a frequent basis!  All college visits are during lunch in the Guidance Office. Check the calendar for specific college visits.

    Academic Units

    The academic unit is the term normally used by colleges and universities to express a quantitative evaluation of high school courses acceptable as preparation for college. A full year academic course is evaluated as one unit; a semester course is evaluated as a half unit. Admissions requirements by four-year institutions generally require that a student complete 16 academic units upon graduation from high school. Colleges and universities determine what courses qualify as academic units. Generally speaking, courses in English, Mathematics, Science, World Language and Social Studies are acceptable. Physical Education and electives are not considered academic units. World Language required minimum years of study for four-year college applicants is two years of the same language taken during high school, grades 9–12.

    Junior Night

    Our Junior College Night is scheduled for January 16, 2020!  College Junior Night is great way to get informed about what's ahead in the college search process. Below are some resources to go through and will be explained at College Junior Night.

    NCAA Eligibility

    The NCAA requires certain courses be taken in order to be eligible for college sports. To help plan your course selection, the NCAA has provided a list of courses we offer, which they will accept. If you are an athlete and interested in playing sports in college please take the time to look over the courses. The course list is on the Following page under Online Resources.