Welcome Class of 2029!
We are so excited to have students from our sending schools come join the Eastern Family! Please review the information below about New Student Enrollment Policies and Requirements.
All students from the sending schools are considered NEW and have to meet New Student Requirements
Student Enrollment Information
Course selection letters were mailed out in January (visit this page to access another copy of the letter or the Course Selection Sheet: https://www.eccrsd.us/Page/3672). Included with these letters were a printed copy of a Student Information Form, pre-populated with minimal student information provided by your student's current middle school.
In order to ensure that we have accurate and complete information in our database for your incoming 9th grader, we need to have that form reviewed, edited as needed, signed, and returned to the Eastern Regional Guidance Office accompanied by a copy of your student's birth certificate. Additionally, we all need current proof of address documentation in order to finalize your student's enrollment for 2025-2026 in adherence with the policies and requirements set forth by the State of NJ (links are available above for reference).
What needs to be submitted for enrollment?
- Complete Student Information for our Database
- Copy of Student Birth Certificate
- Copy of Custody Documentation (if applicable)
- Proof of address documents (visit this website for Proof of Address requirements: https://www.eccrsd.us/Page/3673)
Where can information be submitted?
Go to this Google Form and upload your documents or to review other options for submission: https://forms.gle/CEyQqQ4pEuZDAqWb8
Other Submission Options:
- Scan (or capture images with your smartphone) and email to ckendall@eccrsd.us
- Send in copies of documents with your 8th grader when they have their course selection appointment.
- Fax to 856-627-8407
- Mail or bring to:
Eastern Regional High School
1401 Laurel Oak Road
Voorhees, NJ 08043
ATTN: Cynthia Kendall; Guidance OfficeIf your student will NOT be attending ERHS this school year but continues to reside in the district, we will still need to have student contact information and proof of address documents.
Thank you for your patience!
Please note that processing the Rising 9th Grade paperwork takes several weeks. Thank you for your patience. Any questions about course selection should be discussed with your student's CURRENT 8th grade counselor.
If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Cynthia Kendall at ckendall@eccrsd.us. Otherwise, we look forward to successfully enrolling your student at Eastern Regional High School for the upcoming school year!